Selling More (Part 1) – Identifying and Utilising Routes to Market

9:30am to 12:30pm 18th Feb

This workshop looks towards external growth opportunities and approaches to sell more.

We consider whether you would get a stronger foothold by creating a market niche and how to best align yourself with other players in the market in which you wish to grow.

Topic: Selling More (Part 1) – Identifying routes to market

Date: Friday 18th February 2022

Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm

Register on Eventbrite:

Part 1: Identifying & Utilising Routes to Market

Part 2: Productising what you already have

Part 3: Designing your own B2B Marketing Campaign


Ruling your niche

A brave yet highly effective strategy is to narrow down and focus on a particular niche. The advantage is there will be fewer competitors who know, love and serve your target market as you do.

Brand You

how to capitalize on the personal brands within your team to create a reputation at thought leaders and ensure this creates more revenue for you.

Piggybacking – who with and how?

Joining with another brand can attract more business for both parties. A good strategy for business-to-business brands, piggybacking works particularly well with associations that want to add value to their members, e.g., with a free limited-time trial of what you are offering. We will explore how to identify the right organisations in your market with whom you could form a win-win alliance. Considerations include assessing the potential organisation’s values and what benefit you could bring to your audience.

The science of referrals

Receiving tailored and relevant referrals is a process. In this workshop, we look at how you can build referrals in a way that opens a dialogue with your customers, rather than treating them as a sales force. If you are continually delighting your customers, building relevant referrals will not be too hard.


These workshops are delivered as part of the Business Ready programme to support tech based and knowledge intensive small businesses, with high growth potential based in the Coventry & Warwickshire LEP area.

This project is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund, forming part of the CW Business: Start, Grow and Scale Programme.